being in therapy

Regaining Balance Abroad with MCT

What is Metacognitive therapy?

MCT is an innovative form of cognitive-behavioral therapy grounded in empirical evidence. MCT demonstrates that much psychological distress stems from how a person responds to negative thoughts and beliefs – for instance by ruminating or worrying – rather than the content of those thoughts itself. Practical techniques and specific protocols are used to address metacognitive processes in order to effectively treat generalised anxiety disorder, depression, and more.

What is the experience of Metacognitive therapy like?

MCT is a brief, structured form of therapy. The initial sessions aim to help you understand the metacognitive model – how your reactions to thoughts and beliefs, rather than the content of the thoughts themselves, drive distress. The therapist teaches you practical skills and techniques to distance yourself from and respond differently to negative thought patterns. These include postponement exercises to delay rumination and worry, attentional training to flexibly control focus, and modification of maladaptive coping behaviors. You then practice applying these new meta-cognitive skills in your daily life.

You will feel equipped with practical tools to manage distressing thought patterns as they arise. You also frequently describe progressing towards a sense of meta-cognitive mastery and control over your psychological wellbeing using the therapy’s techniques. The collaborative nature of MCT means that you and therapist work actively together to tailor the principles learned to yours specific thought patterns and needs. So, the therapy experience is typically an active and educational journey focused on acquiring self-regulation capacities.

What are the benefits of Metacognitive therapy?

Here are the main benefits of MCT:

  • Short-term effectiveness

MCT enables positive therapeutic outcomes to be achieved relatively quickly, often in less than 10 sessions. Its concentrated format targets the root causes of psychological distress efficiently. You will acquire useful coping skills rapidly.

  • Long-term resilience

The metacognitive control skills developed will serve you well over time. Self-regulation capacities translate into lasting resilience that equips expats and repats to handle future challenges. Relapse rates tend to be lower compared to other therapies.

  • Empowerment

MCT focuses on empowering self-management rather than just analysing thought content. Expats and repats gain motivation and self-efficacy from mastering transportable mental health strategies they can independently apply after treatment concludes.

  • Scientific grounding

Unlike some therapies, all MCT techniques have firm foundations in contemporary psychology research.

Why does Metacognitive therapy work so well?

MCT is so effective for expats and repats for several reasons:

Firstly, it targets the metacognitive processes that maintain distress, rather than just content of thoughts. Getting fixated on thoughts or trying to eliminate them tends to backfire. But building meta-awareness and responding differently to negative thinking patterns is hugely constructive.

Secondly, MCT equips expats and repats with concrete, transportable coping tools grounded in psychological science. Mastering techniques like goal setting, postponing worry, and modifying unhelpful coping behaviors gives an active sense of control over the transition. They feel empowered in the face of change.

Thirdly, the collaborative therapist-expat/repat relationship enables tailored application of meta-cognitive principles to everyone’s transition challenges and needs. Treatment protocols are personalized, not one-size-fits-all.

Finally, the concentrated format means rapid acquisition of coping strategies that can have lasting impacts. Self-regulation skills are developed efficiently within a brief but focused window to serve expats and repats well over the long-term.

In summary, by targeting meta-awareness, imparting practical coping skills, collaborating closely with expats or repats, and rapidly promoting self-regulation capacities, MCT delivers rapid and enduring benefits for the expatriate experience.

What can Metacognitive therapy do for me?

Metacognitive therapy can be hugely beneficial for you if you are an expat or repat struggling with unhelpful thought patterns around the challenges of relocation for instance. The therapy experience equips you with concrete skills to better manage the worry, rumination, or loss of self-confidence you may face.

The initial sessions will help you to understand how your reactions to stressful thoughts, more so than the thoughts themselves, drive emotional distress. The therapist collaborates with you to tailor meta-cognitive techniques to your specific situations and needs. These can include postponing repetitive thinking about problems back home, training flexible control over what captures your attention, and modifying coping behaviors that may have become unhelpful abroad.

With practice, you will report feeling increased meta-cognitive mastery and self-regulation in managing your wellbeing. The therapy will empower you to respond more adaptively to the inevitable ups and downs of expatriate life. Many describe progress towards confidence that they can rely on practical mental skills learned, even amidst challenging circumstances.

So metacognitive therapy offers you a structured way to build your psychological resilience and harness self-care techniques for maintaining wellness in transition. The journey focuses directly on equipping you with transportable capacities for regulating distress anywhere.

The Frequency of metacognitive therapy

Given the transitional situations and time pressures facing many expats and repats, the condensed format of MCT is well-suited. The goal is to equip them with transportable coping skills in just 6 to 12 sessions.

Session Duration

These weekly MCT sessions last 45-60 minutes. They rapidly build expat/repats’ psychological toolkit for managing challenging thoughts and emotions related to relocation or simply living abroad. Assignments between appointments focus on real-life practice applying the meta-cognitive techniques covered.

The targeted structure enables efficient development of self-regulation capacities expats and repats can continue using independently. So, the duration is short, but the impacts can be lasting well beyond the therapy window.

Maintenance and Follow-up

Follow-up sessions may reinforce skills, or booster sessions can refresh strategies if emotional difficulties resurface during future transitions or overseas postings. For those with severe existing conditions, a longer course primes resilience before reducing contact.

Overall, the brief, concentrated format makes MCT feasible to complete while abroad. This equips expats and repats to carry a personalized set of concrete mental health tools with them through all of life’s transitions.